I really like Phos' new hairstyle. Houseki no Kuni has truly been the standout show of this season for me, really been enjoying it a lot. Did a quick scribble of her in the Summer outfit since we didn't get to see her wear it this episode, but I'll hopefully do a proper picture later. The character designs are really interesting.



I just realized how close my trip to Japan is last night when I was talking to my friends. There's still so many things I want to draw before I go, and I also have to really do more training rides on my bike so I'm not totally blasted on the tour.


Got a few GuP 4koma ideas in the works, as well as another short original story. I want to do more original stories in the future, they're really fun to make. I'd also like to do a proper Long Riders illustration before I leave, since it'd be fitting.


My friendlist filled up pretty quickly, turns out the maximum number of people you can add is set to 100. Been most just trying to raise the bond level with villagers and hunt for nice clothes to buy. Haven't managed to buy a skirt yet, but I decided to change the outfit to something a bit nicer.


I need a proper skirt so badly...
