So late

I may actually be fucked for time. A little over a week before Overload, and I've only just managed to finish the Precure illustration.


Gonna have to resort to zombie-mode soon to get the rest of my prints done.


On the other hand, I watched a bunch of movies, so there's that. I think the one I really enjoyed was "Namelss Gangster". This track from the OST was so amazing:

Also, Nozaki-kun was my favorite anime from this season. Dat Chiyo. Her VA did an amazing job.

I wish I had something more interesting to post, since it's been so long since I've last made an update, but the truth of the matter is I've been having so many more issues with my computer lately, I swear its put me on tilt. Knock on wood, but as of today I "believe" I shouldn't encounter any more issues, which is great because I don't have much time left to finish my prints. I guess it'll work out though, since I work better under pressure. I think.