Entries from 2019-01-01 to 1 year



Daily doodle.




First stream in awhile, was a lot of fun. I will try and stream more frequently in the future, maybe once a week would be nice.


Slowly slowly...


Cleaning up the scribbles. Still have to add all the pouches on her plate carrier. Was also messing around with the character creator at Was pretty fun. There were lots of options, maybe I'll go back and make something more properly hahah.


Been getting pretty into Girls' Frontline lately... M16A1 is cute.


More scribbling to figure her out. @Penguin I've read Fukaboku and Bokura no hentai, but not the other one. @Edeni That's a really good question to be honest, I'll try write a bit longer of a response sometime next week but for now I'd say…


I started playing Girls' Frontline a few days ago and this is basically how it feels whenever my friends who have been playing for much longer than I have visit my dorm. @Penguin she's a girl


Slowly slowly... Also True Sight released earlier today, watching it really reminded me of just how great TI8 was...


I can't decide... @edeni yup I'll be continuing it starting next week until I reach Z @zornor yeah I've seen a lot of talk about zombieland saga, haven't checked it out yet because I'm not too sure if I want to get into another idol anime …


>Time to revive this blog>No posts for a week Ok daily posts from here on out. Even if it's just scribbles. @StomachGod The place we ended up camping at was near Lake Taupo, the mountain we climbed was Mt Urchin and the last photo was from…


Time to revive this blog. I hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year. The camping trip was really enjoyable, we were lucky to have some really nice weather accompany us for the majority of the days we were out there. Here's a …